Hellooooo everyone,
it´s been a while. Winter is here - not officially though - but it feels like it. It´s cold and grey and mostly rainy.
I don´t know about you guys, but I am already longing for spring. It´s so frustrating to see all my beautiful flowers, plants and trees so naked. All the leaves are gone :(
This summer, I´ve bought my first blue lily (agapanthus). I always wanted to have one of those but never did, because they need a warm climate. And since temperatures over here in Germany can easily go down to minus, a blue lily wouldn´t survive the winter.
How does my blue lily survive winter now? I´ve brought it to a little garden center nearby, along with an oleander. They take care of my plants during winter and I can pick them up in spring.
Why did I decide to paint a blue lily? Why not. I´ve seen many blue lilies back in Mallorca. Similar to my favorite plant "Strelitzia", blue lilies grow alot in Mallorca, because it´s the perfect climate over there.
My last collection "Birds of Paradise" kind of got me into the "I-feel-like-painting-plants" mood.
The strelitzia was super easy to paint - compared to blue lilies. In case you didn´t know: blue lilies have ALOT of small blossoms. And that´s what took me so long. Painting all these tiny blossoms.

I´ve finished the first one ("Lush") pretty fast (within 2 days).
I originally intended it to have a beige background, but I felt like it needed a more fresh color. Something that feels more like spring. So I´ve changed the background from beige to light blue.What do you think? Would you have prefered beige instead?
(On the photo you can see the "Lush" with the beige background.)
The second picture ("Close") also didn´t really took me that long, but the third one ("Solitary") took me a while. Not because it was too complicated to paint, but more because I´ve been super busy with shootings lately and simply didn´t have the time to paint.

I´ve painted it with my iPad again.
I´m starting to like painting with my iPad. Although I miss painting with real brushes. Maybe I´m gonna paint my next collection with real brushes. Lets see. Not sure yet, what I´m gonna paint. But I think this time, it´s not going to be a flower.
There is also my unfinished collection from last winter that needs to be finished. So stay tuned.
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