So I guess you have already read the "ABOUT" page on my site. I´ve tried to keep it short. In case anyone is interested in knowing more about the artist behind "Art by Monrau" - don´t stop reading this blogpost then ...
I am a female artist, born and raised in Berlin. I love Berlin, but I don´t wanna grow old there. Actually I don´t even wanna grow old in Germany. Why? Because summers last only 3 days (feels like) and the rest of the year is winter ( I am exaggerating, but you know what I mean,eh? ). THAT´S why.
I love summer, I hate cold. Always did. I feel sooooo much happier when the sun is shining and when temperatures are over 20°C, when the trees are green, the sky is blue, my flowers are blooming and when I can wear my beloved flip flops. Anyway ... I am gonna move somewhere warm one day - for sure!
Back to me being an artist. I don´t consider myself as a fulltime "painting" artist. But I actually work as an artist in "real life". I am a hair & makeup artist. Working in the fashion and beauty business for around 10 years now. I love my job. I couldn´t imagine myself working in a "normal" 9-5 job. Of course it´s nice to have regular monthly income, have someone paying your health insurance and get payed vacation - days etc. etc. .... BUT it just wouldn´t make me happy working in a "normal" job. I would get bored to death. As a hair & makeup artist, I get to see new places, traveling the world, constantly get to know new people, being creative and experience really cool stuff now and then.

On the road again ...
with my beloved makeup case.
It´s a hate - love relationship I have with it.
HATE - because it´s SO heavy (19kg),
LOVE - because I love what´s in there.
The only thing I don´t like about that business is the typical "Oh hey sweety, how are you - you look gorgeous - lets keep in touch - kiss on the cheeks- and never hearing back from them" - kind of people. But I guess you can find them everywhere, right?
So yes, I earn money by painting faces. A face can be a canvas too. You can create a different shape of face, you can make eyes look wider apart or more narrow only by using highlights and shades. I don´t say it´s easy. There are many bad makeup artists out there, that just don´t have that sense for faces, soft color transitions, symmetry and color combinations. I´ve been painting and drawing my whole life. My mom always sat down with us and we would paint, draw and do handicrafts together, which I am very thankful for. Maybe that´s the reason, why I´ve decided to become a makeup artist. Who knows...

What else could I tell about me?
Hmmmm.... oh, in case you are already following me on
instagram ( @artbymonrau ) you might have noticed, that
I have a passion for pink. Neon pink. I am not a girly girl,
that is obsessed with pink, wearing pink clothes and living in a
pink decorated house. The only thing that HAS TO be pink are my fingernails.
You´ll never see me without neon pink nails.
I wear pink nailpolish since the age of 18. And yes, they are my real nails.
No gel or fake nails. I own around 30 different nailpolish colors (work related)
and of course I´ve tried different ones.
But it just didn´t feel right. It wasn´t me.
The real me needs neon pink nailpolish!
I use neon pink for my paintings as well. Pretty often. I even use it to mix the most boring color ever - beige. Talking about colors: I love colors. I´ve already mentioned that in my "ABOUT" section. My pictures are very coloful. I try not to exaggerate it. I get inspired by things I see. Mostly online. Like ad campaigns, or product photography. Whenever I see a color combo I like, i take a screenshot from it, or save it in my instagram collection. Instagram is a great platform to get inspiration from.
More about how and why I use instagram in this blog post "How and why I use Instagram" .
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