As I am always interested in knowing what products and tools other artists use for their art, you might also be interested in mine ?
If you would leave me with alot of money in an artist supply shop - I think I would buy at least half of the products they sell ... You can never have enough brushes and paint - haha. Because the storage space in my studio is limited - as well as my cash - I try to keep everything simple and stay with materials and brushes I am positive about. Of course I try out new products as well. I am just trying to avoid to buy a ton of paint and brushes which I won´t use anyway. You can spend a fortune on art supply stuff, but you don´t need a fortune to create art.
I buy my canvases online. It´s so much easier and I don´t need to worry about how the hell I they gonna fit into my car. It´s just a click . I buy my canvases on ebay. You can find so many sellers who sell good quality canvases for a good price. I always buy 9-10 canvases at once. That way I save money on shipping. Some artists prefer to prime their canvases by themselfes. I prefer to buy primed and pre-stretched once. Priming and stretching canvases isn´t the most fun thing to do. It´s not that I am lazy. I rather spend my time painting and being creative than with priming and stretching canvases.

You can never have enough brushes - haha.
I have to admit: I have alot of brushes. They are all nylon brushes. But I do not even use a third of it. I think I do only use around 10 brushes total for a painting. There are so many types and shapes of brushes for every kind of usage. Angled, round, flat, detail, fan brush ... too many. It´s hard to find the right ones. A good brush doesn´t need to be expensive. The important thing is the clamp. It should be tight, so the brush doesn´t loose its hair.
I think there is nothing more annoying than constantly having to peel off single hairs off wet paint or off-standing brush hairs that mess up your clean lines.
Another annoying thing is, when the varnish of the brush is starting to crack and eventually flakes off - right onto your fresh paint of course ... Brushes shouldn´t be varnished if you asked me.
Make sure you keep your brushes clean and wash them immediately after usage. Don´t let them soak in water.
The water will let the varnish flake off.

My 5 favourite brushes.
From left to right: 1. The brush I paint the backgrounds of my pictures with 2. brush I use to paint bigger parts with 3. brush I use to paint smaller parts 4. brush to paint edges or lines 5. brush to paint small details

Black brushes are by "Meister - Soft"
White brushes are by "Royal Gold"
Sketching equipment

I am usually starting to make a rough sketch of my paintings, before I eventually paint them for real. Simply because I try to do the major "thinking - part" first. That way I avoid unnecessary cover-ups because I´ve changed my mind about a color. I´ve already mentioned it in "Brainstorming & weird sketching". For my sketches I use normal white paper. Nothing fancy. Same paper you would use for your printer at home. For my sketches on canvas I use a simple graphite pencil. Pencils have different degrees of hardness. It goes from 9H - which is the hardest - to 9B - super soft. I found out, that "HB" (which is exactly between super hard and super soft) works best for me. It´s neither too hard, nor too soft. It doesn´t leave marks behind when I erase it and also doesn´t smudge. I use my eraser ALOT when I do my sketch on the canvas. I am using a white eraser. I would have doubts about using a colored one to be honest. They usually leave marks. And we don´t want colorful marks on our white canvas - right? Since I use my eraser alot, there is usually alot of eraser chips on my canvas. I used to swipe them away with my hand, but I needed to be careful to not smudge my sketching lines. Instead of my hand, I now use a big brush to swipe the eraser chips away.
Very helpful actually. When it´s about coloring my paper sketch, I use colorful markers, mostly sharpies. They offers a big color variety and the opacity is really good. They aren´t pricey as well.


Good paint is so important. I use acrylic paint for my pictures. I still stick to the same brand I started out with, called "Stylex Creative".
They are pretty cheap. I buy them online. They sell 75ml and 200ml tubes. Always better to buy the big tube.
I´ve tested every color and can now say: there is only a few I constantly use and can absolutely recommend:
Titanium White
Lamp Black
Pale Green
The pigmentation is is good and its texture is good to work with as well. I also use Purple, Lemon Yellow, Vermilion, Crimson Red, Yellow Green and Ultra-Marine Blue, but these ones are only good for mixing. The pigmentation is too low and you would have to paint several layers to achieve a good opacity.
Another brand I like is "Daler Rowney" and "Lukas Cryl Studio". They are a bit more pricey, but offer a big variety of good pigmented colors.

Neon Paints

You might have noticed, that I use alot of neons for my paintings. I love it, when colors pop and force you to look at the picture.
Unfortunately I am still looking for the perfect neon paints. I´ve tried out many brands already, but still haven´t found a neon, which pigmentation is really good. I usually mix my neon colors with titanium white, to achieve a higher opacity. Works good for me...
Good neon paints I use:
Lukas Cryl Studio 4602 ( neon yellow )
Lukas Cryl Studio 4603 ( neon orange )
Lukas Cryl Studio 4604 ( neon pink )
Daler Rowney 538
Daler Rowney 544
Daler Rowney 653
I use a standard plastic white palette for mixing paint. But instead of washing off or peeling off the old paint, I use aluminium foil, which I wrap around the palette and on which I mix my paints. It´s super easy and super quick. I just have to take off the foil instead of washing the palette. Whenever I have to pause painting but need to use the same paint again to continue and don´t want to throw it away and mix it all over again, I use the bottom part of a airthight container, which you usually use to keep cold cuts or cheese fresh. I simply cover the palette with it and it keeps my paint "fresh" until my next painting session (up to 4 days).

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